Posted by michelle on November 17, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

More crawling

Cameron’s still crawling on his tummy most of the time, but that works very well for crawling through tunnels! I love having Cameron crawl through the tunnel they have at Gymboree because it’s so colorful! Unfortunately I didn’t have the camera with me when Cameron crawled through it the first time. By the time I got the camera, Darren found us and of course he had to distract and disrupt Cameron, not to mention the “glamor shot” effect of the video, which is from Darren playing with our camera all the time with his greasy fingers!

Posted by michelle on November 17, 2010 at 11:58 pm (General, Video)

“Speedo” Lo

This is Cameron’s second time swimming with Dad. The first time I couldn’t find the camera before I left home and missed their class, only catching them in the shower. But this time I was well-prepared and captured almost the whole class on film! Hence the sped-up video here—there’s a lot of swimming and water fun by “Speedo” Cameron Lo!

Posted by michelle on November 12, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)


I was nursing Cameron today and admiring the cute little dimples on his hands, but I know those won’t last long once the baby fat melts away. Lamenting doesn’t help any—I might as well take a photo even if it’s with my iPhone before the dimples go away! Besides, I don’t think I’ve taken a photo of Cameron’s little hand like I did with Darren when he was not even a month old—Cameron’s only 10 months old—not too bad, right? 😛

By the way, happy birthday Daddy! 🙂

Posted by michelle on November 1, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)


Leave it to Cameron to start self-feeding “early”—well, earlier than big brother who by my record didn’t start until he was 13 months old. But Cameron’s the exact opposite of Darren—Cameron puts practically everything into his mouth whereas Darren almost never (with a few scary exceptions on his first Hawaii trip while on the beach, putting sand, pebbles, and twigs in his mouth! Our then nanny was completely spacing out, but fortunately I caught Darren in the act and extracted all foreign, inedible objects from his mouth.) Not only is this self-feeding milestone exciting in and of itself, but, while not caught on this video, Cameron also uses his left hand to self-feed—his left thumb was diagnosed at 6 months to be a congenital clasped thumb, but with the help of a thumb splint which he wears when he sleeps, his left thumb is almost as good as his normal right thumb now!